
Viewing posts from April, 2020

The Tanning Industry Will Survive, Here’s Why.

Before we talk about why we believe our industry will not only survive but thrive after this crisis, let us first ask, how are you doing? No really, how are you feeling? It is a difficult time for all, and we want you to know we are here for you. Even if you just need to hear the voice of someone, give us a call. We understand and even if we can’t fix the world, we can be a shoulder to lean on.

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Why is Right Now the Best Time to Contact Customers?

With the World at a pause, business as we know it has changed. And by changed we mean in some cases come to a complete halt. With fewer customers still doing business, Companies need to make sure that the service they are providing is above anyone’s expectations. With the majority of Tanning Salons closed right now when they are usually at their peak customers must be reminded that just because they are getting a later start, their reasons for tanning before Summer remain. In this post, we will give you examples of why now is the perfect time to nurture your customer relations. 

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