Re-Opening Soon? Check Out These 10 Things to Start Doing Now!

Several states will start re-opening business soon. Have you thought about what you are going to do when that happens? Here are 10 things to think about now so you are ready to go!


  1. Prep for Success

Many it has been at least a month since they have been in the Sun or tanned. Now is the time to promote Moisturizers, Body Wash’s, and exfoliators so their skin is ready to tan and reduce the risk of over-exposure or uneven tans.


  1. Have a Plan

what protocols will be in place for re-opening? There may be services that you will need to hold off on for now. Find out now and create a plan for other services you can offer during this time.


  1. Keep the Cooties at Bay

Talk to staff about their responsibility in keeping customers safe. Let them know that as eager as we all are about getting back to work and our customers, the safety of our co-workers and guests is your number one priority. If they are not feeling well, make it clear that they are not to come in. Go a step further and send them a basket of items to jump-start the road to recovery.


  1. Cast a wide net

To communicate quickly with customers, consider sending email blasts or utilizing your social platforms to get information out to all your customers about hours, services, and the best way to schedule appointments.


  1. Get Connected

Your customers still need to feel connected to your business. Offer 1:1 video chat with instructions on self-tanning. Share tips on your social platforms on things to do at home to maintain color or skincare. Create a newsletter with these items and be sure to include photos and a personal touch to show how much you miss them.


  1. Book it

Start pre-booking appointments for services when you re-open. Even if your salon has 20 beds you are not going to want 20 people trying to get in and tan at once. Do not overbook and be sure to allow extra time between tanners to fully disinfect the room and allow employees time to wash their hands and dispose of items.


  1. Do not stop learning

Continue to attend webinars and meetings. If you cannot make it designate an employee to attend for you and keep detailed notes to share with all staff.


  1. Evaluate packages

Let customers know that if they are ill you will extend the package for them. Just like number 3 above it sets a good example for anyone not feeling well to stay home and prevent spreading any germs (not just COVID-19).


  1. Clean and Clear

Everyone has stepped up their cleaning game but how can you level up even more? Keep hand sanitizer on your counter and have staff use it in front of customers routinely. Ease customers fear by posting your disinfecting regimen on your social media. Be transparent with clients on how beds and eyewear are sanitized.


  1. Go Live

Make videos or go live with products, benefits, and tips to get customers through isolation. Seeing you helps them feel connected and invested in your business which builds strong relationships.


Just like you, we miss our customers. We cannot wait to see everyone open and back to doing what we love.